Tag Archives: Godly leadership

What To Look For When Choosing A Leader

I read this on the InTouch website today and thought it was worth sharing. Lots of Godly principles here and they are especially important to remember during this time in our country as we prepare to vote in a new president.

What To Look For When Choosing A Leader
by Charles Stanley

“Trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

As election season approaches, you may be wondering what course to take when voting. What is your responsibility as a believer, and what should you look for when choosing a leader? Although I would not suggest which party anyone should support, I would strongly recommend you take note of what’s happening in this country and pay close attention to the character of each of the nominees running for public office.

Integrity is one of the most important qualities an elected official can have. Therefore, always look for verifiable and objective evidence that the candidate you choose exhibits the moral fiber you expect of him or her.

Here are some questions we can ask of our lawmakers:

1. Does the person consistently tell the truth and act in an honest and principled manner?

2. Is the individual reliable, faithful, and trustworthy? Does he do as he says he will—including honoring his marital and family commitments?

3. Does the person give generously to others, especially to those in need?

4. Does the individual exhibit sound, ethical reasoning—including protecting the sanctity of life and the traditional definition of marriage?

5. Is the individual conscientious about paying her bills and taking care of her financial obligations?

6. Does the person speak to others with kindness, consideration, and gentleness?

7. Is the individual humble, and does he treat others with dignity and appreciation?

8. Does the person consistently extend common courtesies to others?

9. Is the individual careful—reviewing all of her options and the ramifications of her decisions with due diligence?

10. Does the person exhibit self-control in his habits?

11. Is the individual prepared to be an example and live by the same standards he or she sets for others?

12. Does the person know how to have fun and make others laugh without resorting to coarse jokes, crude language, or inappropriate stories?

13. Does the individual exhibit patience, or is he easily irritated?

14. Is the person a peacemaker who seeks to resolve arguments and find quality solutions?

15. Does the individual encourage and inspire others to become better people?

16. Does the person express any remorse for mistakes and sincerely attempt to make amends and do what is right?

17. Is the individual modest—focusing not on her own achievements, but on the accomplishments of others?

18. Does the person work well with others, exhibit good judgment, and make decisions that demonstrate wisdom and fairness?

19. Is the individual prepared to stand up for the truth, no matter what it costs?

I’m sure you can add other questions. However, please know it is important that we observe our candidates’ behaviors instead of just listening to their words. Although you can learn a great deal by examining an individual’s website or campaign literature, actions are far more reliable indicators of a person’s character than words can ever be.

This goes for us as well. You and I must always be people who exhibit godliness and character in everything we say and do. What we articulate does no good if our behaviors contradict our words.

Read the original article here

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